Your credibility is important to your success and your success is important to us.
The product or service satisfies the needs of clients, prospective clients, and you.
The product or service has an identifiable advantage over competitive sources.
The advantage the product or service has over competitive sources is of significant relevance to the client.
The quality of the product or service can be maintained to a level that encourages clients to make repeat purchases and provide referrals.
There are a sufficient number of clients in the market to support an additional competitor.
The product or service is compatible with your existing offerings, beliefs, and attitudes.
The benefits of the product or services are easily communicated to your market.
Cost-efficient methods of targeted communication exists between you and your market.
Projected sales potential, based on the number of clients and their average expenditure of the product is sufficient to generate a profit after all expenses are paid.
Sufficient sales can be generated in peak periods to support the expenses for the products or services for the entire year.